Skating Luxembourg – FLSG licenses
Last modification: Nov 4, 2022
Why do all our skaters need a license?
The license categories (A, B, C and D) are established by the FLSG (Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Sports de Glace).
The license is compulsory for all members of the Club, not just for skaters who skate competitively.
In particular, skaters need an A license if they want to participate in National and Club shows and tests.
According to FLSG regulations, all skaters must have an A license.
License validity
Any license issued is valid until the expiry date of sports medical control (or until the member leaves the Club).
We will inform you when your child needs to repeat their sports medical examination.
The license also provides you with insurance against the risks of accident and civil liability occurring during any sporting practice organized by the club.
See also: Casco contract of C.O.S.L. for the benefit of sports managers.
When and how to obtain a license?
Each member must complete a license application when registering for the first time.
The license application can be downloaded from our website. The original document must be completed and signed, and given to us with 2 identity photos (passport photo format) and a copy of a valid identity document (showing the validity date of the document).
Some tips for completing the license application:
If you are completing the application for a minor member, the parent must also indicate their name under the 1st paragraph, indicating their relationship to the child.
Our Club is CH-PL
Don’t forget to sign the application!